DIY Cheese and Garlic Dog Treat Recipe – Canine Cookery

Find out how to bake healthy cookies for your dog with this very simple no-fuss recipe. I experimented with a new design web-site to create this visual step-by-step guide!

This post serves two purposes. The first rather obvious one is that I want to share this easy dog treat recipe with you. My dogs love these and I feel happy knowing exactly what has gone in to their treats! My long-time followers may recognise this recipe from a previous post, Canine Cookery – Healthy Cheese and Garlic Dog Cookies. The reason that I am rehashing this content is part of the reason behind the second purpose of this post!

So recently, I have been thinking that Fluffy Tufts could do with a bit of a makeover. I don’t know about you, but I was getting a bit tired of seeing the old site banner (the one with the doggy mugs!). You may (or may not) have noticed the new banner featuring all the gang. Let me know what you think of it in the comments!

Then, the other day, I came across a great post from the blog ‘We Live in a Flat‘ about adding text to photos. I would suggest you check it out as there are some great ideas there. She kindly advised me to try out a design website called Canva, and below you can see one of my first designs!

I would really love to hear your thoughts on the info-graphic. What do you like/dislike about it? Would you like to see more visual posts in future or do you prefer to read text?

Homemade  DIY Cheese and Garlic Dog Treat Recipe - Fluffy Tufts

12 responses to “DIY Cheese and Garlic Dog Treat Recipe – Canine Cookery

  1. Love the info graphic, it’s much more exciting than just having the recipe listed and I can see if my treats looks like yours when I’m done. These treats look very easy to make, so I just may give it a try. Only thing I’m worried about, my dog already has bad breath, now with these garlic treats, it will be extra Pee-ew. LOL

    • Thanks so much for the feedback! I have another infographic in the pipeline, so keep an eye out for it!

      You could leave out the garlic and add a tablespoon of parsley instead. I have heard that it is very good for freshening doggy breath!

  2. You should never feed garlic to dogs as it is poisonous to them. It can kill them even the first time they eat it or collect in their system over time. It’s right here as #6 on the top ten most poisonous foods for dogs magnet that animal poison control sent out to me. My vet even gave me a warning about it when I first got my dog. He told me even letting him lick a plate from pasta that had garlic in the sauce was enough to be bad. If you took that out these would be great treats, I’m sure, but with it these are really dangerous and someone could unknowingly poison their dog. You should really update the recipe or take it down. At minimum post a warning.

    • I appreciate your reply, however, I was advised to feed a small amount of garlic to my dogs as it is a natural flea/tick repellent. The entire batch of cookies contains only 1 clove of garlic (which can of course be omitted if you do not want to feed garlic).

      Here’s a guide on the garlic levels safe for dogs per day, based on a dog’s weight:

      “Fresh Garlic (from The Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats by Dr. Pitcairn)

      10 to 15 pounds: .5 clove

      20 to 40 pounds: 1 clove

      45 to 70 pounds: 2 cloves

      75 to 90 pounds: 2.5 cloves

      100 pounds +: 3 cloves”

We love hearing from you. Comments, feedback, ideas etc are all appreciated!